ubqari latest videos

23 videos • 173 views • by U Wazief Playlists اپ کا اللہ ہی اپ کی مدد کرے گا ubqari your helper only allah اپ کا اللہ ہی اپ کی مدد کرے گ Description Sheikh ul Wazaif’s videos on authentic Islamic recitations (Wazaif), spiritual acts (A’maal), and tips authenticated by the Quran, Hadith, and the lives of our Pious Predecessors. Subscribe to see more Wazaif, tips, and spiritual acts on your feed! About Ubqari Ubqari institute is a world-renowned organization founded by the Islamic Spiritual Scholar Hazrat Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mahmood Chughtai DB otherwise known as ‘Sheikh-ul-Wazaif’. Our Mission is to provide humanitarian and spiritual services worldwide,regardless of religion, creed, or nationality.ا