2016 Deming Institute Annual Conference Videos - I Make No Apologies for Learning

11 videos • 596 views • by The Deming Institute These words from Dr. W. Edwards Deming are as relevant and valuable today as they ever have been. His approach to improving quality, performance and innovation can propel you and your organization forward as you learn to challenge your thinking about management, leadership and transformation. Dr. Deming has been given many titles; perhaps the most important was “lifelong learner.” In a world where 4.6 years is the median job tenure and 11 is the average number of jobs that people aged 18-48 will hold in their lifetime, there is nothing but learning to be done in order to simply survive. While “survival is not mandatory,” learn- ing in our modern day certainly is. This is a story best told by practitioners of The Deming System of Profound Knowledge®. This conference features leaders in education, government and industry, who are shaping their organizations by disrupting the prevailing management concepts. You‘ll hear how they have practiced and expanded on Deming’s philosophy in their very real organizations. Dr. Deming made an especially powerful impact on the people of Michigan during his many years of teaching and consulting in the state. His legacy includes a rich community of leaders who believe that organizations are places where we aim for everyone to gain; where restoration of the individual is an objective and where cooperation between customers and suppliers is a way of life.