5 videos • 495 views • by Pastor Chuck Smith JESUS CHRIST THE PURPOSE OF HIS COMING: Five Messages from The Christmas Season of 1995 & 2001 JESUS CAME TO DIE FOR US JESUS CAME TO SEEK THE LOST JESUS CAME SAVE THE LOST JESUS CAME TO GIVE US ABUNDANTLY LIFE JESUS CAME TO BLESS US November 2023 We here at ‘The Word For Today - Pastor Chuck Smith’, as we pray for you our listening audience, search out videos to post, and we ask the Lord for His guidance on which to publish. Since not all video messages are available, we hope that those we are able to upload bless you. Please pray that we continue to be faithful in this task. Also, please share these with your loved ones, to share the Hope and Salvation only found in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Our goal is to reach the world for Jesus, therefore, we are uploading Pastor Chuck’s messages, "for the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ”. Ephesians 4:12 kjv. Also, we understand some of the videos are corrupted, and the visual portion is distorted, jumpy and/or cuts in and out, however there is value in listening to the messages. We thank you for your patience, prayers, and Agape-love. May God Bless you and yours in Christ Jesus, The - Pastor Chuck Smith Word For Today - Team ..