Factory Insights

5 videos • 311 views • by Star Rapid Welcome to 'Factory Insights,' a must-watch series hosted by Star Rapid's CEO, Gordon Styles. With decades of experience in manufacturing and entrepreneurship, Gordon offers a treasure trove of invaluable insights and expert advice that can transform the way you approach business. Gain thought leadership and industry knowledge as Gordon shares his experiences, challenges, and successes. From product development to lean management to managing a manufacturing company, this series covers a wide range of topics designed to help you make informed decisions and drive your business to new heights. Whether you're a seasoned professional looking for fresh perspectives or a new business owner seeking guidance, 'Factory Insights' is your go-to source for practical, real-world advice. Subscribe now and be the first to access this invaluable resource. Don't miss out on the opportunity to tap into Gordon's wealth of experience and elevate your business to new levels of success. Hit that 'Subscribe' button and ring the notification bell to stay updated with each episode. #factoryinsights #businessadvice #entrepreneurship #starrapid