Xenek Groundblinds
5 videos • 10 views • by Archery Country "XENEK ground blinds are made for the kind of people who will patiently wait for days in anticipation of the perfect opportunity; who deeply consider the impact quality gear can make on a hunt; who spend the time they don’t spend hunting honing skills that will allow them to be more effective in the field. We’ve made it our mission to create durable, innovative gear that helps you get the most of out your time out there, because like you, we can tell the difference. And it’s likely, if you’re here, that there’s a little bit of fennec fox in you, too — no matter how far away you may find yourself from the Sahara Desert."-Xenek We highly recommend Xenek ground blinds because of their unique window customization. Shop Xenek products here: https://archerycountry.com/xenek/ Archery Country carries a large selection of archery supplies, bows, and archery accessories. We also have 3 retail locations with pro shop service on all makes and models of bows. Shop in-store at our 3 Locations in Rogers, Waite Park, or Brainerd MN or Shop Online: https://archerycountry.com/