Dakuon and Handakuon
5 videos • 1,019 views • by Campanas de Japanese In this playlist, you will learn Dakuon and Handakuon. Dakuon is the voiced version of some Japanese consonants. Dakuon is expressed by adding Dakuten (2 small dashes) to certain Hiragana characters. For example, when you add Dakuten to か [ka], which is a voiceless sound, it becomes が [ga], which is the voiced version of か [ka]. Handakuon is the [p] consonant sound followed by vowels. Handakuon is expressed by adding Handakuten (a small circle) to certain Hiragana characters. For example, when you add Handakuten to は [ha], it becomes ぱ [pa]. Each video in this playlist has a detailed explanation for Dakuon or Handakuon.