5 videos • 43 views • by Globaltek DIPHEX LIMITED in association with JAMES COOK HOSPITAL invite you to participate in a Seminar to review the lessons learned and the latest advancements made, in the management of chemical accidents and attacks. The objective of the seminar is to engage Industry, Emergency Services, Hospitals and Community by reviewing:  Lessons learned by the Emergency Services (Police, Fire-brigade and Ambulance) • What is the latest experience in this field (CBRN and Chemical attack response)? • Which products are the most appropriate to the situation?  Lessons learned by the Hospitals • What is the latest experience in this field (Chemical accidents/attacks – delayed washing)? • Which products are the most appropriate to the situation?  Lessons learned by Industry • What is the latest experience in this field? • Which products are the most appropriate to the situation? The Seminar will take place on: Tuesday, 25th September 2018 at the Middlesbrough Football Stadium