Nomad TRUCK CAMPER Living (US & Canada)

48 videos • 959 views • by Paradise on Pennies Hi! We live full-time in a popup truck camper and we live and travel around North America. We mainly travel in the western U.S. and Canada. We spend winters in Arizona, summers in the Yukon & B.C. and everything in between, including California, Utah, Wyoming, Montana & more. We work from the road, gathering a small amount of income to cover our very small budget. Our way of life is all about being as simple as possible and getting closer to nature and gaining more time to live life to the fullest. We are different than many other Van Life and RV travelers in that we live extremely simply and totally off-grid. So, if you're looking for ideas on how to budget and manage life in a small SUV or truck camper lifestyle, we are here to share our experiences from living on the road for many years this way. Enjoy!