I'm An Angstier Boy

11 videos • 0 views • by Klonkblonk A new day, another reason to be an angsty boi; have you ever had the one pea touch your delicious pool of gravy which ended up ruining the purity of said gravy and now you won't eat the rest of the chicken 'cos the chicken is touching the pea-touched gravy to which point you hold in your emotional sorrow until you go to the bathroom to take a shower and cry so that the tears look like the drops of water that come out of the shower hose so that it's all inconspicuous and the shower drizzle noise drowns out the crying that you do 'cos of the pain of the chicken that was lost?... This is the playlist for you! Special thanks to Vitaliy for introducing me to these tracks. They're lit! For more selections: https://padlet.com/Jackies_Universe/D...