5 videos • 2,083 views • by LaRouchesupport The Zionist Lobby As Myth Makers One of history's cruelest ironies is that among the chief perpetrators of the myths of an "International Communist Conspiracy" and an "International Jewish Conspiracy" are the agents and dupes of Britain's Zionist Lobby. Two examples stand out. Through a psychological warfare operation run under British Round Table auspices by the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith and the British Secret Intelligence Service. Henry Ford was destroyed as a public spokesman for U.S. industrialists with the poison of anti-Semitism. More recently, the John Birch Society was a "tailored creation" of the Zionist Lobby made by order of Her Majesty, the Queen of England. As purveyors of these conspiracy hoaxes, Britain's Zionist Lobby has performed a service of the utmost value to its aristocratic patrons. As with 'Henry Ford, the poison of anti-Semitism has been used to divert many U.S. industrialists and political leaders away from the humanist tradition upon which the American System was founded. On an international scale, the notions that communism is another disguised element of an "international Jewish conspiracy" (Ford's "Jewish Bolshevists"), or that leaders like President Dwight Eisenhower are somehow secretly "communists" (the Birch Society's undifferentiated "Insiders"), have been used repeatedly to undermine the emergence of a humanist Grand Design that would unite the nations of the world' around a program of technological development. It is, a liberal fairy tale that such synthetic conspiracy doctrines are merely the ravings of lunatics and do not significantly affect the course of history. Among the services that the Zionist Lobby performs as a retailer of such hoaxes has been to cover up one of the most closely guarded secrets of the "inner elites" - that the British oligarchists and their Black Guelph collaborators in Europe continue to set world monetarist policy. This includes the geopolitical doctrine developed by H.J.MacKinder and a team of Round Table strategists (the "Coefficients." including Lord Milner of the Rothschild mining firm. Fabian Society founders Beatrice and Sidney Webb. and others) to transform Germany under Adolf Hitler into a marcher lord state directed against the Soviet Union. Follow this link to view the complete paper: