Discovering the Child Conference Speaker Introductions

28 videos • 297 views • by The Prepared Montessorian On June 25-26 2021, the Prepared Montessorian will hold an online conference to gather educators, parents and caregivers who are interested in education, childhood development, and the Montessori Method. There will be 50+ global speakers, 60+ content-rich sessions, and 15+ live workshops. Discovering the Child is a reference to Maria Montessori's book, The Discovery of the Child, which shattered preconceived notions of childhood development when it was first published in 1948. In the book, which continues to inspire educators today, Maria Montessori explores the origins and development of her teaching methodology, known as the Montessori Method. She argues that her most significant discovery was not a new and perfect way of teaching, but of the child himself; the child in his truest, most authentic form — which is only revealed to us once we stop oppressing him. This conference honors Maria Montessori's scientific spirit, which is what made it possible for her to approach the subject of childhood development with an objective, inquisitive mind — and what eventually led her to discovering the true character of young children. It brings speakers from the fields of psychology, philosophy, medicine, and education to consider current issues in education and to address some of the concerns related to the future of education. We hope to carry on Maria Montessori's legacy as we continue to observe, experiment, and share our findings.