How amazing our universe is

132 videos • 28,785 views • by Cosmos Absolutely blown away by Neil deGrasse Tyson's hosting of Cosmos. You can tell he enjoys telling the story of the Cosmos. What makes the Cosmos remake most exciting to me is that new theories such as the 'Multiverse' theory and new findings are inevitably making its way to the front-line of grand-audience explanations of the universe. Also, now that graphics technology is more advanced than it was years ago during the first Cosmos series, the illustrations are much more telling and mesmerizing; this helps the viewer to visually break down some complexities that Neil alludes to in some of his narrative discussion. I can't think of anyone better to narrate this story other than Neil. It's obvious he's passionate about this show. Neil's tribute to Carl was touching in explaining how Carl inspired 'just a 17 year old kid from the Bronx' to become one of the most influential scientists of our modern generation. I'm extremely excited for the rest of the series to evolve and use the previous Cosmos series formula as a sort of foundation to continue captivating and inspiring the audience. After viewing the first episode, it's evident that future episodes will not disappoint.