04-24-2020 Faith in Action: A Decade in Retrospect

13 videos • 587 views • by Festival of Faiths April 24, 2020 - Faith In Action Video premieres will have a live chat alongside the videos during the premiere. To participate in the chat you will need to login to your YouTube Channel account. 10 a.m. (EST) – 2017 Islamic Prayer with Ingrid Mattson 11 a.m. (EST) – 2015 Sacred World: Contemplation and Action with Ambassador Shabazz, Marc Andrus and Christopher Pramuk 3 p.m. (EST) – 2015 Stories of Faith including “Merton and His Legacy” with Paul Pearson, Br. David Steindl-Rast, Chris Pramuk, Br. Paul Quenon, Morgan Atkinson and a collection of select Festival short stories 5 p.m. (EST) – 2017 Compassion Rising — Artistic performances curated by Hannah Drake, Charles Nasby and Rebecca Katz 7 p.m. (EST) – 2015 Hindu Vedantic Practice with Pravrajika Vrajaprana