2012: Green Mountain Project Vespers of 1640

14 videos • 5,692 views • by TENET Vocal Artists The Green Mountain Project (music director Scott Metcalfe and artistic director Jolle Greenleaf) presented "A Grand Festive Vespers in Venice, c. 1640, for the Feast of the Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary" with music by Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643), Giovanni Gabrieli (c. 1555-1612), and Chiara Margarita Cozzolani (1602-c. 1676), at the Church of St. Jean Baptiste in New York City, January, 2012. Jolle Greenleaf, soprano Molly Quinn, soprano Jason McStoots, tenor Scott Mello, tenor Marc Molomot, tenor Sumner Thompson, tenor Zachary Wilder, tenor Jesse Blumberg, baritone David McFerrin, bass Scott Metcalfe, violin Julie Andrijeski, violin Emily Walhout, bass violin Kiri Tollaksen, cornetto Alexandra Opsahl, cornetto Greg Ingles, sackbut Brian Kay, sackbut Erik Schmalz, sackbut Mack Ramsey, sackbut Liza Malamut, sackbut Avi Stein, organ Hank Heijink, theorbo Daniel Swenberg, theorbo chant schola Luthien Brackett Steven Hrycelak Thomas McCarger Jason Rylander Virginia Warnken Scott Metcalfe, music director Jolle Greenleaf, artistic director