And A Dozen Hawks Descend

22 videos • 165 views • by froginatub nooo bro don't build your entire life around an absence only to fill that absence and lose your sense of self you're so sexy aha -Sax Rohmer #1: As close to a victory as she gets. Coming home, in spite of everything (& the frantic almost-dying-to-save-her-mom day). "Coming home to you with my own blood in my mouth". & yet already mourning the loss she thinks she knows is coming ('every moment points towards the aftermath') because she's going back to the feywild & thinks she won't get to leave. which is ALSO a 'coming home to you if it's the last thing that I do' moment. you get it. -Blame It On Bad Luck. Looking back on everything & grieving & being sad and furious and etc. But also wanting to try to change and move on and be better (& that being really fucking hard! she doesn't even know HOW to do it!) "And now I think it's time that I realize self pity's meaningless / Though I'm 10 feet deep / I'll claw my way back out from in my grave". This song does make me feel like i am in grade 9. me at 13 would love this shit. embarrassing. good vibes for her tho -Everything Stays: Coming home to find things different, and also things that are the same. feeling weird about it. -Tourist Trap: see above, with the added angst that maybe it's YOU that's changed. -Never Quite Free. WHOOPS Ohdran is here, and even though your family is happy to see you you have to leave again. Even when you're happy and you think you've come a long way the horrors are lying in wait for you :) -Sadie. Having built something (Zenry & Harris's relationship & years of working together) & having it like. be. destroyed, and thrown away, and trying to move forwards from that together anyway? And Also not being able to talk about it? Also Harris being like... maybe unhealthily overly fixated on this One relationship & event as kind of symbolic of Everything & probably putting too much weight on Just Zenry. "And all that I've got / And all that I need / I tie in a knot and I lay at your feet (And I have not forgot, but a silence crept over me)". Etc. -Between Two Trees. Being extremely (not super healthily) devoted to Zenry & also thinking she isn't a good person & not liking herself. Also. YK. "Are you a predator? Are you a huntress? Are you just a girl? Or are you some sort of bird?" Like..... lol. -Jeff Davis County Blues. General tone of uncertainty she has rn, stepping into a world she's not quite sure she understands any more. Doing hard vulnerable things & feeling some kinda way. "my walk's real steady and my eyes are real cold / but i feel like i'm all of sixteen years old". -More Than I Can Say: oh, you know. -Leaving Home / Looking Back. New air of uncertainty! "Who will I be when I am done with all this sadness / What will I see when I come through and settle down" etc. Zenry yelling at her; 'what do you actually want out of your life?' etc. -Breathing Rapture: "Oh, love is shaped like cities burning / Sifting through the ashes after." Trying to actually accept and move forward from all of the things she's lost. It's hard :(