TOUR OF CONSCIOUSNESS .... Free Video Series with Dr. Dain Heer

285 videos • 512,261 views • by Dr Dain Heer ( Would you like to join me for a very different adventure? The TOUR OF CONSCIOUSNESS is free video-series with possibilities and tools from all over the world to empower you to know what you know! I started this early in 2010 and the group of travelers just keep growing! ( In the year of 2000, when I was so unhappy that I was ready to kill myself, I was introduced to a set of tools that literally changed my life... This is me, passing this gift along! Today I travel the world, facilitating people with these very tools from Access Consciousness that can change anything in our life that doesn't work for you....if you're wiling to. Please sign up above and I'll tell you more! I'll send you a video with a tool or some inspiration every couple of weeks... Hopefully it will make you smile, perhaps let another possibility sneak into your life -- and sometimes even rock your WHOLE WORLD! And please know -- these tools are not like anything else you've tried. Access Consciousness is weird, wacky -- and it works. It actually works! If you choose to, you can have changes easily and quickly. It doesn't require spending years on the mountain top or in the therapist's chair. When awareness and the desire for change intersect, everything can shift. Many people simply become the change they were seeking. What else is possible? Come on, join me on the Tour of Consciousness! ( #toolsthatwork #toolsthatyouneed #lifehacks #tipstricks #tourofconsciousness #accessconsciousness