سلسلہ مسائل فقہیہ

17 videos • 2 views • by Kalamullah TV Islamic knowledge refers to the understanding and awareness of the teachings, principles, practices, and history of Islam. It covers a number of different elements, including: 1. **Quran** - The Quran is the holy book of Islam, believed to be the word of Allah (God) as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. It is considered the supreme source of religious knowledge in Islam. It contains teachings on life, morality, laws, governance, and personal conduct. 2. **Hadith** - Hadiths are the sayings, actions, and approvals of Prophet Muhammad. They serve as a practical guide for Muslims in matters not explicitly covered by the Quran. 3. **Fiqh** - This represents the understanding of Islamic law, which is derived from both the Quran and Hadith. Scholars over the centuries have interpreted these sources to provide guidance on various matters from everyday life to complex topics like economics and politics. 4. **Tasawwuf (Sufism)** - This refers to the mystical and spiritual dimension of Islam. Its goal is to purify the heart and achieve spiritual enlightenment through acts of devotion and contemplation. 5. **History** - Knowing Islamic history, such as the life of Prophet Muhammad, the spread of Islam, the caliphates, and other historical events give insights into the religion's journey and evolution. 6. **Theology (Aqidah)** - This is the study of the Islamic faith. It covers areas like belief in God, prophets, afterlife, predestination vs free will, etc. 7. **Ethics (Akhlaq)** - This is a system of morality in Islam, understanding what is good and bad based on Islamic teachings. 8. **Comparative Studies** - Understanding how Islam compares and contrasts with other major world religions, as well as its interaction with culture, politics, and sciences. These elements together provide a comprehensive understanding of Islam, allowing Muslims to practice their faith fully and contribute positively to society. It's also important for non-Muslims who wish to understand the faith and its followers better.