Hair Transplant Near Alexandria, Virginia | Hair Transplantation

167 videos • 187 views • by Natural Transplants, Hair Restoration Clinic If you are looking for a fuller, natural looking head of hair that will make you look and feel better, don't be concerned about the hair transplant costs. If you are considering a permanent hair loss solution and are worried about the cost of a hair transplant then relax as Natural Transplants has convenient and affordable hair transplant payment options. HUE Method stands for High-Yield Unit Extraction® This cutting edge procedure was developed and is exclusively used by our doctors to produce unsurpassed results and maximum density. The concept is simple--to extract and move the MOST hairs possible in a single session. This is achieved by a highly-skilled doctor and highly efficient technicians, meticulously trained to maximize the donor tissue by limiting transected donor hairs. The entire procedure is performed in our state-of-the-art facility, utilizing the latest in medical equipment to achieve the best hair transplant possible. This is in stark contrast to the outdated FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) method, which is basically hair plugs rebranded, using smaller diameter punches. FUE is also time consuming, requiring multiple sessions and smaller grafts and ultimately leaves patients with less hairs moved, little density and multiple circular scars over the entire donor area. How is the HUE Method different? Let’s start with the amount of donor tissue moved. The HUE Method moves significantly MORE TISSUE from the donor area than the traditional hair replacement Strip Method known as FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) and certainly more than any antiquated FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction). The way this is achieved is simple--Natural Transplants' High-Yield Unit Extraction® donor sections are longer and wider than the traditional Strip Method known as FUT. At MINIMUM, the HUE Method can achieve 30-35 cm2 of tissue moved in a single session. Besides utilizing the hair transplant donor area in the back of the head, the HUE Method utilize the often neglected strong hair on the sides of the head as well. To further maximize the amount of hair moved, the HUE Method known as High-Yield Unit Extraction® allows the hair doctors at Natural Transplants to achieve a donor section that is wider than 1 cm wide, resulting in massive amounts of hairs moved, often upwards of 40-50 cm2. The end result is the addition of up to 10,000 hairs moved in a single hair replacement session. The HUE Method results speak for themselves! Watch all our successful hair transplant videos where you will hear from the hair transplant recipients themselves about what they think of the before and after hair transplant results. Find out how much a hair transplant costs by calling us on 844-327-4247 and speak with a hair transplant specialist. #hairdoctor #baldnesscure #hairclinic #hairtransplants #hairtransplant #hairtransplantation #alexandriavirginia Natural Transplants, Hair Restoration Clinic Consultation Facility 1800 Diagonal Road, Suite 600 Alexandria, Virginia 22314 United States of America Toll Free 844-327-4247 Local +1 703-650-9309