Thermostat Relay connection
1 videos • 8 views • by Awais Electric A thermostat relay is a relay that is used in our refrigerator to turn it on or off by seeing the temperature of the refrigerator. If you want to know about thermostat relay connection then you can watch this video of mine Thermostat relay has 3 No terminals, 6 No terminal, 4 No number terminal and 3 number terminal Terminal 3 in the thermostat relay is used for the heater In the thermostat relay, the 4 number terminal is used for input voltage A 6 no terminal compressor in a thermostat relay is used for the phase output of a thermostat relay that senses that the wire it trips is filled with gas. You can set the thermostat like an up-iron. If you want to know about thermostat relay connection then please watch my video which is included in this playlist of mine on Awais Electrical YouTube. #awaiselectric #thermostats #thermostatrelayconnection #thermostatwiring #thermostawiringconnection #thermostat #VT9thermostat