GIPSY FIRE full album stream

11 videos • 44 views • by Melanie Nini Bong Here you can listen to the full album GIPSY FIRE from beginning to end. Enjoy! BUY NOW - NEW studio album GIPSY FIRE RED VINYL*180gr*Lmtd Edit (300pc): iTUNES: SPOTIFY: USA download: EUR download: CD: "Elis Regina had it, Billie Holiday had it, Carmen McRae had it , and now Melanie Bong has it." - William Grim in All About Jazz Online-Magazin USA “Melanie Bong is a tremendous singer.” - Bill Donaldson, Cadence USA, jazz magazine. "Melanie Bong’s songs are as original as her tuneful name, and I’m sure you will get as much pleasure out of her music as I do …. musical beauty flows in and out of this lovely persona …” – MARK MURPHY "Melanie sings with passion and heart …. listen and enjoy!!" - Steve Kuhn ​"A good voice is distinguishable from a less good one within a few seconds. Melanie Bong has a very good voice. A sample? ‚Gypsies Go To Heaven’, the opener on her second CD has everything to get right to the core..." - Reinhard Köchl, Jazzthing. Melanie Bong - vocals Lulo Reinhardt - guitar Tizian Jost - piano Dudu Penz - bass Bastian Jütte - drums Recorded at Emilie studios, Munich, Germany Recorded, mixed and mastered by Danilo Zenko, Slovenia