Best Classical Music

54 videos • 12 views • by Moonlight Lisa If you’re a classical music devotee, you already know that the musical stylings of Beethoven, Vivaldi or Bach can transport you to another realm. For others, these masterpieces come just as a mere tune played in the doctor’s waiting room. Regardless of how you feel about classical music, research shows that classical music can affect the brain in a variety of positive ways, from boosting memory to aiding relaxation. The effects and benefits of classical music on the body and brain: 1. Brainpower and cognitive function. 2. Relaxation and reduced stress. 3. Improved and boost memory. 4. Assisted sleep. 5. Decreases blood pressure. 6. Sparks creativity and improves productivity. 7. Reduces stress levels. 8. Supercharges brainpower. 9. Relieves pain. 10. Makes you happy. 11. Fights depression. Give it a Try! While classical music songs can’t raise your IQ 10 points, there are a ton of benefits of listening to classical music. Whether you need to cram for an important presentation or you simply want a good night’s sleep, classical music can help. But Don’t just take our word for it. Try it out for yourself and let us know what benefits of listening to classical music you experience! #classicalmusic #classic #music