LIVE TOGETHER - pv project with IDP's in Ukraine

7 videos • 66 views • by Glocal Films “This project helped us find a different kind of truth about the conflict and our situation in Ukraine. What we see on TV and the information we get through other media is one truth. But through the filming and the joint work in our group, people who come from the war zone were able to tell their stories and share their difficulties. Our films show real life experiences. And in the same way that we learnt to understand each other, we are hoping to change other people’s mindsets, too. We are hoping that our films help people to overcome negative attitudes and stereotypes.” (Anastasia, participant in Krivoy Rog) With the aim of promoting dialogue and understanding between internally displaced people (IDPs) and their hosting communities in Ukraine, we developed a participatory video project in collaboration with the GIZ (Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) in Ukraine. Rooted within the GIZ program of ‘Psychological Support and Conflict Management’, we facilitated three film workshops with different participant constellations, allowing IDPs and non-IDPs of different age groups to get together and collaborate on the production of their own films. The workshops resulted in a total of six films, in which our participants reflect on, share and exchange their views and personal experiences of the current conflict and its direct effect on people’s lives in Ukraine. Each workshop was followed by a public screening event that offered a platform for exchange and dialogue to the wider community. As part of the dissemination strategy, we trained a local team who continue using the films in engaging a growing community in the dialogue.