Coherence Therapy, Explained

5 videos • 3,722 views • by Dr. Tori Olds This series offers a deep-dive into Coherence Therapy. In video 1, I present an overview of how Coherence Therapy works. In video 2, I go deeper into the structure of schemas and how to work with them in therapy. In video 3, I interview Bruce Ecker (co-founder of Coherence Therapy) about how Coherence therapy moves beyond symptom management toward dissolving symptoms at their roots. In video 4, I read a transcript from an actual Coherence Therapy session. And in video 5 I will interview Bruce Ecker as to how his view of change (the Therapeutic Reconsolidation Process) can serve as an integrative, unifying model for our field. Coherence Therapy works to uncover the unconscious beliefs that cause us suffering or difficulty. It is a deep, experiential model that not only explores the implicit imprints we hold on an emotional-level, but works to dissolve those imprints or beliefs through the science of Memory Reconsolidation.