Back to Bow Basics - Session 1

31 videos • 1,359 views • by Meghan Verdejo This playlist was created to accompany Session 1 of my 'Back to Bow Basics' workshop in which we discuss the following: - Roles of the fingers of the bow hold - Relaxation and flexibility exercises for the bow hand - Mechanics of drawing the bow - Common bowing problems and solutions Other topics discussed in Session 1, but not necessarily included in this playlist, are: 1. Bow Hold - Evolution of the Bow Hold - Bow Hold Fundamentals - Roles of Fingers 2. Mechanics of Drawing the Bow 3. Solutions for Common Hold and Bow Arm Issues - Finger Flexibility and Independence - Wrist Flexibility - Straight Bow - Bouncing Bow - Using Full Bow -- #violin, #viola, #violinbowhold, #violabowhold, #violinbow, #violabow --- Follow Me: Website: Facebook: IG: e-Newsletter: