Back to Bow Basics - Session 2
12 videos • 241 views • by Meghan Verdejo 'Probably as old as the study of scales is the practicing of the son filé, namely, the long sustained tone, which has served generations of violinists as a medium for the study of tone production and bow control, and which still provides valuable exercise material for the same purpose. What breath control is for the singer - the ability to sing long phrases without having to interrupt them for a new breath - bow control in the long, sustained stroke is for the violinist - the ability to sustain a long tone or musical phrase without having to change the bow.' - Ivan Galamian, 'Principles of Violin Playing and Teaching, Page 103 This playlist for my 'Back to Bow Basics Workshop' is based on the exercises in Simon Fischer's Basics: 300 Exercises and Practice Routines for the Violin, Ivan Galamian's Principles of Violin Playing and Teaching and the exercises that my teachers used to assign me, which I stubbornly refused to do at the time but now do every day. In addition to 'son filé' exercises, this playlist includes the 'Sounding Point' or 'Contact Point' exercises as part of the workshop as well as 'Bow Pressure' exercises. Note that not all of the exercises from the workshop are reflected in this playlist. --- #violin, #viola, #violinbow, #violabow, #violintechniques, #violatechniques, #sonfilé, #onlinemusiclessons, #onlineviolinlessons #onlineviolalessons --- Follow Me: Website: Facebook: IG: e-Newsletter: