Learning the Violin and Viola - Book 1
111 videos • 1,256 views • by Meghan Verdejo 'Learning the Violin and Viola, Book One' by Cassia Harvey has been my 'go-to' string method since 2020. As online lessons became a necessity, I created these support videos for my violin and viola students to refer to, regardless if we were in-person or online. Nothing fancy. No vibrato, no dynamics. Just the basics. If you are a strings teacher or an online distance learner, I highly recommend this book. I have all of my beginner private and group students start in this book and supplement their learning with my own materials. If you would like to purchase this book, I recommend purchasing it from the publisher's website: Violin: https://www.charveypublications.com/l... Viola: https://www.charveypublications.com/l... Score for Strings Groups: https://www.charveypublications.com/l... From the publisher's website: 'This book is an introductory violin method for the absolute beginner. Starting with open string letters and songs with simple finger numbers, the book progresses to short exercises and familiar songs with large, easy-to-read notes to get the student to play as much as possible. Useful for all ages, Learning the Violin, Book One is especially helpful with younger beginners or students who struggle with note-reading. This book can be studied in private lessons, in single-string classes, or in mixed-string classes, along with Learning the Viola, Book One, Learning the Cello, Book One, and Learning the Bass, Book One. A Score and Piano Accompaniment is also available. This book could be studied along with The Open String Book for Violin and could be followed by Learning the Violin, Book Two.' Publisher's Website: https://www.charveypublications.com/ --- #violin, #viola, #bow, #violinbow, #violabow, #onlinemusiclessons, #onlineviolinlessons, #onlineviolalessons, #violintechniques, #violatechniques, #violinlessonsvancouver, #violalessonsvancouver, #groupmusiclessonsvancouver, #groupviolinlessonsvancouver, #groupviolalessonsvancouver --- Follow Me: Website: http://meghanverdejo.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/virtualvioli... IG: https://www.instagram.com/meghanverdejo e-Newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/62adb48abbf5/e-new...