YouTube Content On a Budget
50 videos • 28,573 views • by James Prince ইউটিউব কি আপনার জন্য? YouTube Content On A Budget Once upon a time we used to watch BTV for entrainment purposes. we didn’t have any choice rather than watching BTV’s scheduled program. After that satellite tv and cable television took over our main source of entertainment related content. But now people are using YouTube more for their media consumption. YouTube is a very popular and powerful video streaming platform. Individual content creators makes different kinds of video content like news, drama, tutorials, vlogs etc. The audience now has a broader media choice of their needs. You can find all shorts of video on YouTube. Actually you can start a youtube channel of your own. You dont need a lot of expensive gears to start a youtube channel. During this Youtube content on a budget series I ll be guiding you from the beginning so that you can start you youtube channel today. This is the first episode of this series and during this episode I ll be talking about, why you should start a youtube channel? What is the benefit of a YouTube channel. Is that possible to run a youtube channel by yourself.