श्रील प्रभुपाद कथा | Srila Prabhupada Katha (Hindi)

12 videos • 2,437 views • by Madhusudana Visnu Das For all the people connected directly or indirectly with ISKCON society, and also the entire humanity at large, His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, commonly called "Srila Prabhupada" by his beloved followers, holds a very special position in the history of mankind. If it were not for him, the world have remained bereft of the pure teachings of the Vedic literatures presented in a relevant, scientific and revolutionary way for the benefit of the modern misled civilization. Srila Prabhupada embodied divine qualities because of his intimate connection with the spiritual and transcendental realm, the kingdom of God. Because of his purity and selfless nature he touched the hearts of many and transformed them. Let us hear about him, his good qualities, his amazing achievements, his life and his teachings.