Munir Khan | Body Revival

41 videos • 1,881 views • by Body Revival Indian System of medicine, Aurveda is unique in recognizing at first rejuvenation, not only as possible, but assigning it priority over treatment of other ailments, To achieve rejuvenation, various body purification processes (shodhana) were adopted by the ancient hermits / ascetics which we term as ‘detoxification’ in modern science. After detoxification, to further revive the ageing body, Rasayana (rejuvenation) therapy was initiated. The precise selection of divya herbs and where then action of each plants was determined by the doctrine of Rasa. Virya, Vipaca, Guna and Karma of the plant.Rasayanas were thus, specific remedies for rejuvenation (Body revival) especially for the aged and were so powerful that they could also treat incurable diseases. With this therapy, all tissues, glands and organs, however inactive, started to function in harmony. Rasayana is the Ayurvedic science of rejuvenation and longevity. Body-Revival is one such “Rasayana” developed by Health Reactive, is a unique micro herbal formula which dissolves completely the harmful deposits and flushes out the toxins (Mala) though urine and stool.