The Stunned Guys - Discography

157 videos • 45,272 views • by Traxtorm Records Everything started on 1992. That days The Stunned Guys proved life is like a tunnel: if you want to reach the exit light, you have to take a big breath and step straight into it, hoping you've got air enough in your lungs. You cannot turn back anymore. The Stunned Guys reached the exit light, and after that they realized that just one tunnel was not enough. Maxx started his career on 1987, Giangy on 1991: there was the period the techno scene was borning. Year 1993, the two guys who will have become worldwide known DJs & producers were spending their nights in a small, wet basement (where their first "home" studio was based) creating new and different music, following their only dream to become part of that uprising techno scene which was just starting. During that period Maxx was attending university and he was working in a small recording studio in Milan as sound engineer. Giangy was DJing at Number One club and, during the week, he was attending military service. It has been a really difficult period for them, not enought money to buy studio equipments (they were making music only with an Atari ST computer and an Akai S1000 sampler), and all the work they were doing in "studio" seemed to be unproductive. All the answers to the demos they sent to the main dutch record labels were like "Sorry, it's not our style ...", "The sound is too this, too that..." and so on. But one day they received a phone call from Paul Elstak from the cult label Rotterdam Records, and a few days later they were finally mixing their first record "Nidra e.p." at Paul's studio (a real studio, with real equipments) in Rotterdam, which was released on 1994. The feedback from the hardcore scene was so good that Maxx & Giangy decided to try 100% to transform their passion into their main job. From that moment on, everything grew so fast: performances at many european raves, collaborations with the main producers and labels and, most of all, an incredible feeling with their fanbase: in a short time The Stunned Guys took their "made in Italy" sound to the top of the international hardcore scene. After many attempts to collaborate with Italy-based record labels, they founded Traxtorm Records, the first italian "only-hardcore" label. Their great productions took (and still take ...) them to uncountable performances worldwide (Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Spain, France, Switzerland, USA, Croatia, Canada, ...), and the Traxtorm sound quickly became an inspiration source for the other producers and labels (check out the super-hit "Thrillseeka", imitated by hundred of productions). On April 2009, after more than 16 years of activity, Giangy decided to leave the project for a new lifestyle, now Maxx will run The Stunned Guys on his own, The Stunned Guys will never die!