Skyrim | The Legend Of Kayta

11 videos • 133 views • by Kojay Welcome to the #KojayVerse back at it with #Skyrim but this time it is the PS5 version. yes. played the PS3 one twice, streamed the PS4 one on this channel from beginning to close to the end before that update screwed the game up & i didnt get to "complete" the game as one here we are! this time going for a movie episodic cut experience in HD!!! I play as multiple characters making different choices, so yeah lots of game saves LOL. One character is a villain doing mean & selfish things, another is a hero doing what they believe is right, then there is my favorite who is a bit of a wild card in the middle. Thief. Assassin. Warrior. Hero. This my custom cat warrior (who i remake in other create your own character games) who is the greatest Khajiit Archer that ever my gameplays that is ^_^ Many who are like me who really really maybe unhealthily love Skyrim play it for our time of Zen similar to how Ocarina of time on N64 just hits that right spot at that right time that echos onwards saving myself some money from new games i eventually get around to hahahahaha. OK. For myself & my fellow #ElderScrolls lovers to enjoy & appreciate. thank you for swingin by.