Yoko Kanno's best music
7 videos • 563 views • by Asterra2 Yoko Kanno stands out among composers because she maintains a high ratio of amazing work. It is conspicuous that her output is almost always worth close analysis. As one who appreciates competent music, and a dabbler in composition myself, I felt it was time to round up some of my favorites of Yoko Kanno's work, along with related remixes. It should make for a fantastic playlist. Please be aware that I will add only the best versions of each track that I can find. On Youtube, the best is not always as good as it could be. A given track may be too quiet, for example. Also be aware that this is my playlist. This means that while most of Yoko Kanno's music is technically competent, it doesn't necessarily fit my personal tastes. A case in point: The opening to Cowboy Bebop suits its purpose very well, but it won't make this playlist.