STEM Lyceums

23 videos • 710 views • by Center for Excellence in Education STEM Lyceums are a program of the Center for Excellence in Education (CEE). STEM Lyceums are a series of monthly virtual meetings that engage high school students in discussion and exploration of STEM concepts and career pathways, provided at no cost to schools or students. Students interact with professionals and fellow students, both national and international. Meetings foster critical thinking skills, encourage excitement for science, and prepare students to enter careers. CEE’s STEM Lyceums partners include Virginia Bio, United Negro College Fund, and the Urban League of Hampton Roads. The Center for Excellence in Education (CEE), a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable organization, was founded in 1983 by the late Admiral H.G. Rickover and Joann P. DiGennaro, President of the Center. The Center’s mission is to nurture high school and university scholars to careers of excellence and leadership in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), and to encourage collaboration between and among scientific and technological leaders in the global community. CEE sponsors the Research Science Institute (RSI), USA Biolympiad (USABO), Teacher Enrichment Program (TEP), and STEM Lyceums. CEE programs are provided cost-free to participating students and teachers, thereby leveling the playing field for economically disadvantaged students. The Center’s nonprofit mission is supported by corporations, foundations, individuals, and government agencies. For more information, visit Support STEM scholars. Donate at