MERDAT movie sequences
7 videos • 123 views • by vk3ukf These short movie clips were made by software called MERDAT. Still images are courtesy NASA/PDS. Still images taken in a sequence are assembled into a movie, you can tag the individual frames with data such as MER rover name, Martian day, Earth date and time UTC or a comment. MERDAT will instantly display all times and data such as camera (PANCAM, NAVCAM, FWD HAZCAM, REAR HAZCAM, MICROSCOPIC IMAGER) which filter was used. MERDAT is currently still being written. You can download MERDAT for free, and make your own colour or black and white movies, true and false colour stills, red/cyan 3D anaglyphs and x eye 3D images, plus stacks more, from the URL listed below, My HAM website is at, A short audio clip plays when you visit my web page. VK3UKF is me, NA1SS is the current radio operator onboard the International Space Station. Cheers folks, Kevin, VK3UKF.