你好!Mr.Siao (Mr.Siao's Mandarin Class)

28 videos • 28,602 views • by Virkato 梦想集团是大马数一数二的直销公司,也是成长率最快、发展最快的一家年轻企业,业务遍及东南亚各地,无论菲律宾、印尼、泰国、新加坡、越南等国皆有分公司。但纵使梦想集团成绩斐然,老板陶罗勃心中却有个小小梦想——开拓中国市场。陶罗勃办公室有一幅曾祖父留下祖训牌匾--饮水思源。陶罗勃虽然从小受英文教育,但是将祖业发展到祖辈的家乡却是他心中的愿望。于是雄心勃勃的陶罗勃打算组织精良团队进入中国市场,奈何集团内的传销商多是不谙中文或操半咸不淡中文的。因此陶罗勃衍生开办“华语密集训练班”的想法。奈何,陶罗勃的想法并没有受到传销商们的热烈反应,陶罗勃束手无策之下,唯有用强硬手段指派公司业绩最强的钻石级传销商“大白鲨”团队以及其最大的对手珍珠级传销商“火凤凰”团队为中坚力量加入培训队伍。两大对头被迫正式交战,但却个个意兴阑珊,纷纷埋怨此项苦差。陶罗勃发现两队队伍根本无心恋战,只期待成为输家以不必被指派到远乡。陶罗勃最后把心一横,宣布胜出的队伍将免于出队的“厄运”,两大力量于是开始了一场惊天地、泣鬼神的世纪之战。而受雇成为这群千奇百怪的“魔鬼学生”的好好教师——萧郎也面临的一项巨大挑战。所幸,在萧郎乐此不疲的循循善诱下,这群顽固的“学生”终于体会到学习华语的乐趣。而其中不同背景、文化的族群的交流更产生了许多有趣的火花! showing adult students from different ethnics in Malaysia learning Mandarin in a classroom setting. This locally produced series shows how non-Chinese and non-Mandarin-speaking Chinese learn Mandarin with hilarious outcomes. The series premiered on 15 April 2009, airing every Wednesday at 9:00pm on ntv7. A 2 CNY special episodes was aired during Chinese New Year 2010. The second season will premiere on 7 April 2010, acquiring its previous slot. This drama series mimics a British drama series named Mind Your English in 1978. The owner of Dream Big International, Mr. Robert Toh is looking to expand his business and is aiming to the China market. He needs his “diamond-ranking” and “pearl-ranking” leaders to train and guide the China distributors and agents but most of them are not well-versed in Mandarin. So he gets a Mandarin lecturer to teach this selected group proper Mandarin