Competitors passed through to the preliminary – 6. International Éva Marton Singing Competition

57 videos • 1,778 views • by Éva Marton International Singing Competition 6th Éva Marton International Singing Competition kicks off on 1 September with the participation of 65 competitors from 19 countries. Enjoy their videos presented at the preselection and generously shared with you. - Live Rounds: 2–8 September with live stream. The venues are the Liszt Academy of Music Budapest and the Hungarian State Opera. - Jury: chair: Éva Marton. Members: Anatoli Goussev, Peter Mario Katona, Miguel Lerín, Andrea Meláth Andrea, Szilveszter Ókovács, Christina Sheppelmann, Vittorio Terranova, Dmitrij Vdovin WEBSITE 👉 FACEBOOK: 👉 INSTAGRAM: 👉 The Éva Marton International Singing Competition is a biennial competition for young opera singers founded by Éva Marton the world-renowned dramatic soprano and the Liszt Academy of Music.