16 videos • 44,107 views • by KARPE Karpe (Chirag Rashmikant Patel and Magdi Omar Ytreeide Abdelmaguid) released their latest project, Omar Sheriff, in January 2022 and immediately broke the Norwegian streaming record for an album – of all time. Omar Sheriff is a story about roots, belonging, family and upbringing, told in a seamless mix of traditions and languages. Norwegian and Arabic, Gujarati, Hindi and English. It’s diaspora pop. Director Kavar Singh first visualized the concept in a film that is still running in a non stop loop on ( No beginning, no end. Impossible to start, stop or scroll. The audience enters the loop, an Indian-Arabic Sci Fi universe, a lucid dream - and watch until they feel fulfilled. The story is set in an old theatre building in the city of Skien, Norway. Karpe bought the 3000 square metre building in 2018, because they wanted to invite 100 of their most dedicated fans to a once in a lifetime immersive experience, using every nook and cranny to tailor the experience to each guest individually.