Beyond the Microchip

5 videos • 99 views • by Microchip Technology, Inc. Welcome to Beyond the Microchip So much of our daily lives are controlled or influenced by electronics. We rely on GPS to direct us, we hit "brew" on our coffee machines for our mornin' cup of Joe, we wave our hands over a sensor to get running water from a faucet and press a button to open our garage doors.  But do we really know what's going on inside? Are we aware of the universe of technology and calculations going on right under our nose? Beyond the Microchip takes you inside the world of Embedded Control technologies to understand how the chips and sensors we can't see impact our lives in dramatic ways. They remind us why we have and embrace technology, to enhance the human experience.  Join us each episode as we look at an aspect of our daily lives that shapes what it means to be human and how we can empower the innovation that enhances that experience through Microchip Technology. Subscribe to Beyond the Microchip wherever you get your podcasts. Visit to learn more! Beyond the Microchip is available as an audio podcast on these platforms: Apple Podcasts - Spotify - Podbean -