Junior College Students Learn About Foot Health from Podiatrists in Singapore

4 videos • 30 views • by East Coast Podiatry Foot health is important for everyone, but it's especially important for young people who are still growing. That's why Junior College students from Singapore are here to interview the Podiatrists from East Coast Podiatry to learn more about foot health and how to care for their feet. In these interviews, the podiatrists discuss the anatomy of the foot, common foot problems, and how to care for your feet. They also answered questions from the students about specific foot problems, such as diabetic foot ulcers and plantar fasciitis. The podiatrists stressed the importance of keeping feet clean and dry, inspecting feet daily for any signs of injury or infection, and wearing comfortable, well-fitting shoes, and seeing a podiatrist on a regular basis. They also emphasized the importance of exercising regularly and maintaining a healthy weight, as these factors can help to prevent foot problems. The students from various junior colleges in Singapore were grateful for the opportunity to learn more about foot health from our podiatrists. They said that they had learned a lot about the importance of foot care and the benefits of taking preventive measures.