184 videos • 0 views • by Truth is your tool for successful life#ISLAMVIDEOS God Almighty Allah gave life and a fixed lifestyle for humanity. For this purpose, Allah sent His Prophets and Divine Books. So we have Adam Alaihissalam as the first man and first Prophet of Allah. Allah sent him with His Religion or Divine Guidance Islam or surrendering to Allah. In the Holy Qur'an Allah informed us Islam as the Siratul Mustaqeem or the straight path. Then Allah kept sending different Prophets at different times in the history of humanity and the towns and the tribes. Allah informed us the names of 25 Prophets by their names in His Final Revelation or the Book, Qur'an. But He had sent thousands of Prophets to fulfill the needs of the people to teach them right way of living and religion (Islam). Moosa or Modes, Eisa or Jesus and finally Muhammed Sallallahu Alaihi wasallam was sent for the whole humanity until the end of the world.