Popular Uploads: Vlogs of the A&J Famlee
121 videos • 150 views • by A&J Famlee Popular Uploads: Vlogs of the A&J Famlee: Cutting my husband's HAIR at home (DIY men's Quarantine HAIRCUT)! A&J Famlee Introduction Vlog! Family MEAL PREP with Ashlee (Weekly meal plans with HEALTHY and EASY recipes)! Bloopers, Gag Reel, Outtakes from A&J Famlee Introduction Vlog Special Holiday Memories: (Surprise FATHER'S DAY Gift for Jasond) GET READY WITH ME (Skincare, Hair, Makeup, and Outfit)! A PRODUCTIVE Family DAY IN THE LIFE at home with a Baby & Toddler (Quarantine Style) Husband and Wife couple's Question & Answers. (Marriage, Disney, & More) Family GROCERY shopping online DELIVERY in Quarantine Haul! Saying only “YES” to Everything my kids want for a WHOLE day CHALLENGE. (QUARANTINE Style) Ultimate CLEAN with me/REORGANIZING my children’s toys, clothes, Bedroom Family STORY time Our HONEST Quarantine Coronavirus (Why we are still staying home Story?) Family Fun Quarantine Summer indoor & outdoor Activities for Kids (SAFE for Toddlers & Babies) How I STYLE My Daughter’s hair (FAST & EASY Disney, Star Wars-inspired HAIRSTYLES for Girls) Family Day in the life AFTERNOON of a Toddler & Baby at home in QUARANTINE. (Educational Edition)