All Videos Playlist: Vlogs of the A&J Famlee

159 videos • 431 views • by A&J Famlee All Videos Playlist: Vlogs of the A&J Famlee : Family Day in the life AFTERNOON of a Toddler & Baby at home in QUARANTINE. (Educational Edition) How I STYLE My Daughter’s hair (FAST & EASY Disney, Star Wars-inspired HAIRSTYLES for Girls) Family Fun Quarantine Summer indoor & outdoor Activities for Kids (SAFE for Toddlers & Babies) Family STORY time Our HONEST Quarantine Coronavirus (Why we are still staying home Story?) Ultimate CLEAN with me/REORGANIZING my children’s toys, clothes, Bedroom Family GROCERY shopping online DELIVERY in Quarantine Haul! Saying only “YES” to Everything my kids want for a WHOLE day CHALLENGE. (QUARANTINE Style) Husband and Wife couple's Question and Answers. (Marriage, Disney, & More) A PRODUCTIVE Family DAY IN THE LIFE at home with a Baby & Toddler (Quarantine Style) GET READY WITH ME (Skincare, Hair, Makeup, and Outfit)! Special Holiday Memories: (Surprise FATHER'S DAY Gift for Jasond) Family MEAL PREP with Ashlee (Weekly meal plans with HEALTHY and EASY recipes)! Cutting my husband's HAIR at home (DIY men's Quarantine HAIRCUT)! Bloopers, Gag Reel, Outtakes from A&J Famlee Introduction Vlog A&J Famlee Introduction Vlog!