Sit Down Playlist: Vlogs of the A&J Famlee

15 videos • 21 views • by A&J Famlee Come Along as we sit down and chat. Through story times, Q&A's and much more. Stay Tuned. Sit Down Playlist: Vlogs of the A&J Famlee A&J Famlee Introduction Vlog! Plans & the Next Stages of Getting OUT of QUARANTINE! Husband and Wife couple’s Question & Answers. (Marriage, Disney, & More) Family STORY time Our HONEST Quarantine Coronavirus (Why we are still staying home Story?) Couples STORYTIME How we met online/ first date at STARSBUCKS Coffee shop! A&J Famlee's FIRST Couple's Tag Challenge. ( From Disney, Our Wedding, to being number one) Bloopers, Gag Reel, Outtakes from A&J Famlee Introduction Vlog Untold Stories with Jasond. (Pizza unpaid, Crazy Bean Bag Story!) Reflection Story-Time (FAMILY visiting from out of state for the FIRST time since pandemic.) Top 10 AMAZINGLY random FACTS about Jasond (Star wars, Gaming, and how I Set the Garage on Fire!) Ashlee's Top Favorite Halloween Movies to watch with Our Toddler's and without them! Q&A with Ashlee. (Favorite Halloween costumes, 3 wishes & teenage obsession.) Life UPDATE during the CORONAVIRUS pandemic. Our First DISNEY TAG, Answering 10 Challenging Disney Questions! (In the Disney Hot Seat) Bloopers, Gag Reel, Outtakes from Top 10 AMAZINGLY random FACTS about Jasond...