熊熊乐园 | 大合集 | Boonie Cubs | Compilations | Cartoon for kids【每周更新】

43 videos • 62,655 views • by 熊熊乐园 Boonie Cubs At Pine Tree Kindergarten, all the cubs observe the world in their own creative and wondrous ways. Here you will learn everything from the value of friendship to exploring the mysteries of science and language. Boonie Cubs will teach kids how to help others while preparing themselves for life in this beautiful world. 《熊熊乐园》讲述了童年时期,熊大、熊二与光头强在大树幼儿园学习、生活的故事。除他们外,一些森林小动物们也会相继出现。与《熊出没》其他系列不同的是,熊强这一对欢喜冤家将变成无话不谈的发小,在课间、课外、生活中,发生着一个个有趣故事,友谊渐深。