Attraction Affirmations
12 videos • 7,118 views • by Zenji with Jason Stephenson and friends Use these law of attraction affirmations to consciously change your life. You can begin today to create the life that you've always wanted. It all begins with a thought. To best use these affirmations, listen on a daily basis. Once or twice per day is enough. Listen to the affirmations, and then speak them outloud. Remember to FEEL the affirmations. Really picture what it is you desire and FEEL it, SENSE it with all of your being - as though it is in your current reality right at this very moment. In doing this, you are being the creator of your life, and not just reacting with what shows up in your life. You are choosing to bend, shape and mold your life as you see fit. I wish you the best of abunance, health and wellbeing in all that you choose with life. May these affirmations inspire you beyond belief.