Exploring Shanxi: A Journey Through Millennia – Discovering the Perfect Blend of History and Nature #shanxi #山西
162 videos • 597 views • by a journey of culture 文化之旅 Shanxi Province is located in the middle reaches of the Yellow River, east of the Loess Plateau. In the meantime, there are high mountains, hills, mountains and water, and nature has created gorgeous and colorful scenery everywhere. Shanxi is also one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization, with a long history and a long history. It is known as the "Museum of Ancient Chinese Art" and "The State of Documents". It retains 70% of the ancient buildings on the ground in China. Therefore, it is said by the tourism industry : "Shenzhen in ten years of China, Shanghai in one hundred years of China, Xi'an in one thousand years of China, and Shanxi in five thousand years of China".山西省位于黄河中游,黄土高原的东部。其间高山峻岭,丘陵纵横,山环水绕,大自然神工鬼斧般地造就了一处处绚丽多彩的景色。山西又是中华民族文明的发祥地之一,历史悠久,源远流长,素有“中国古代艺术博物馆”、“文献之邦”的美称,保留有中国百分之七十的地面古代建筑,旅游界因此说:“十年中国看深圳,百年中国看上海,千年中国看西安,五千年中国看山西”。