2024 Daily Lenten Devotions

47 videos • 368 views • by Greg Simpson ​ Journey of Promise: Living the Kingdom in a Fractured World "Journey of Promise: Living the Kingdom in a Fractured World" is a Daily Lenten Devotional video series designed to guide viewers through a reflective and transformative spiritual journey during the Lenten season. As we navigate the complexities of our current era, this series aims to deepen our faith, offering a sanctuary of hope and action amidst the fractures of the world. Each day, we'll explore scripture through both a historical and literary lens, uncovering the rich contexts that have shaped these sacred texts. This approach not only illuminates the profound relevance of scripture in our lives today but also invites us to engage with our faith in a more meaningful and informed manner. At the heart of our journey is the recognition of the pain and division that mark our global landscape. "Journey of Promise" seeks to acknowledge this hurt, not as bystanders, but as active participants in God's unfolding story. By delving into the Bible's narratives, teachings, and promises, we're reminded of the enduring presence of God's kingdom amidst our world's turmoil. This series aims to bridge the gap between ancient scripture and contemporary issues, showing how these timeless truths speak directly to the challenges we face today. It's an invitation to see beyond the text on the page, to the living, breathing call of justice, mercy, and love that scripture embodies. Moreover, "Journey of Promise" is a call to action. It challenges us to not only reflect on the phrase "thy kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven" but to live it out in our daily lives. Through thoughtful reflection, prayer, and actionable steps, we are encouraged to be architects of God's kingdom here and now. This Lenten season, we are invited to step into a space of growth and contribution, where our individual journeys of faith intersect with our collective responsibility towards our world. Together, we can transform our understanding of scripture into tangible acts of kindness, justice, and reconciliation, making the kingdom of God a present reality in a world that yearns for healing and wholeness.