581 videos • 4,256 views • by Ignite India Education Coaching for NIFT NID NATA How to Prepare for NIFT Entrance Exam 2020 The GAT paper consists of academic subjects like Reasoning, Mathematics (till class 10 level), English Language & Comprehensions. The Business Domain segment needs a three pronged approach with studies in static GK, current affairs and fashion & industry awareness. The academic subjects can be studied through classroom contact programmes at a trusted and reputed place or through self-study with the help of some good competitive preparation books available in the market. However, my advice would be to go for individual subject books instead of some all-in-one format. However, the creative ability paper must be prepared under someone who knows the nitty gritties of the NIFT Entrance Exam. One must always work time bound during the preparation stage itself for both the papers. Here is a comprehensive list of topics that one can prepare: English: The questions are based on grammar and syntax. The common topics from which questions are asked are - synonyms, antonyms, idioms & phrases, spot the errors, cloze test, fill in the blanks, sentence correction, analogies, spelling errors, one word substitution and ordering of sentences/ passage. Please work on your vocabulary extensively. NIFT situation test is basically a hand on test to evaluate the candidate’s material handling skill and also test innovative ability and creative ability on a given situation with a given set of materials. So, in situation test you will get some materials like cardboard, mount board, ivory sheet, thick colored paper (a4 size) 4 or 5 pieces, straws, ice cream sticks, thermocol balls, thread spool and needle, cloth, pins, thermocol (A4 size), wire, newspaper, clay etc. You get a question paper which will have 3 questions out of which you have to attempt any one question. You have to select a question which seem easy to you and then with the given material you have to create 3 D model. After that you have write about your model, how you get inspired for particular model, how you utilize the given material, how does your model helps others, so all these things you have to write on a given sheet. Then after finishing the test, clean your desk and put your model, question paper and answer sheet on your desk and leave the class.