Primus-Halloween 2012 at The Tabernacle!
17 videos • 832 views • by ifilmbands Truly and without hesitation-one of the best shows I've ever seen. Primus has never been more tight, on fire, inspired, and dangerous than on this night. Thank you Primus for playing in my home city on Halloween, it was definitely scary how good this show was. Not my best shoot, shaky, splices, etc, but it's hard to enjoy a show fully, with a moving bouncing balcony, and deliver shake free videos-for free, but it's an honor to try and share what a incredible night this was. Featuring the first performance, and upload, of The Heckler on youtube since the early days. An Evening With Primus. Enjoy, I sure as hell do (to top this day off, Ler signed my guitar!!!-such a cool and laid back dude, an honor to have met one of the best, and underrated, guitarists of the past 30 years).