Beehave Highlights

2 videos • 31 views • by safetotell A fresh satirical look at New Zealand politics, featuring a mix of real and puppet politicians, but who can tell the difference? REVIEWS OF BEEHAVE - "Should be on mainstream TV" - "Knocks the feathers off Flight of the Conchords" - "way to go" - "very funny" - "great!" - "This is hilarious - outrageous! More, more" - "more like this please" - "Magic. I love it !" - "Well done guys. Very cool production !" - "Brilliant video, very well done guys" - "Cool" - "Great Stuff! - Keep it coming" - "Good work." - "Ha ha ! Great work. Hilarious !" - "ROFLMAO VERY FUNNY." - "As always a pleasure to watch :)"